This is the second of three responses I wrote about our object project "Assembling Face." //MSJ
Visualized like this, your face appears both disembodied and entirely absent of all associations you have with yourself – eagerness, attention,
concern, energy, sweat, hair and height. You had to hold very still for this to digitally render and
consequently when you look at the image that came out of it – a capture of a
moment -- you just don’t recognize yourself for a minute.
These digital measurements have actually made you into something else. That is, one snapshot, measured from the white circle with a black square inside, provided the reference for making multiple projections of you from different angles, different times. You've been transformed from 3-D to 3-D (made from data points).
If you were scarred, this 3-D imaging software would be used find the gaps and holes in your skin's surface and provide a digital map for filling them precisely.
You wonder if the digital measuring stick, which is making a heat map and a distance map, can see the holes and pains in your skin that are not measurable through heat or distance. Do you have any that appear through your expressions?
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